What's Happening in the Market?  May 2020

 First, an update on COVID-19 restrictions in NC. Non-essential businesses are now opening and non-essential travel is now allowed.In real estate, we are back to business as usual, with COVID-19 safety precautions still in effect – masks, driving in separate cars, sanitizing surfaces touched in a home [I’m handing my buyers sterilizing wipes to use when they touch any surfaces].

Sales lagged in May 2020, primarily due to the COVID-19 restrictions that vastly limited the ability of buyers to view properties in March and April.  However, 171 homes went under contract in May, up from our average the past 12 months of 98 per month.  92 land tracts went under contract, up from our average the past 12 months of 59 per month.  That suggests buyers continue to be confident and are perhaps making up for lost time.

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Update on Market Activity during the Pandemic: April 26, 2020
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Coe Realty’s Calendar: June 2020