Your Name: ______________________________ Best Number to reach you: ____________________
Your Address: _________________________________________________________________
Your Best Email: ______________________________________________________________
Child’s Name________________________________________ Birthdate________________ Boy oGirl o
His/Her school__________________________________ Teacher’s Name________________________________
Best school/other accomplishment this year___________________________________________________________
What is s/he asking for this year _______________________________________________________________
What good deeds has the child done this year? (include name of the person and any details)
Is there anything that the child needs to work on? Such as making beds etc.
If they have a pet what kind of animal _________________________ Name__________________ Male or Female?
Your child’s/grandchild’s address if different from where I sent this: _______________________________________
Child’s Name______________________________________ Birthdate_______________ Boy oGirl o
His/her school___________________________________ Teacher’s name__________________________________
Best school/other accomplishment this year _____________________________________________________________
What is s/he asking for this year _______________________________________________________________
What good deeds has the child done this year? (include name of the person and any details)
Is there anything that the child needs to work on? Such as making beds etc.
If they have a pet what kind of animal_________________ Name ______________________________Male o Female o
Your child’s/grandchild’s address if different from where I sent this: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If there is anything else you’d especially like to have included, please add that in. _____________________
Return by December 3, 2022 by email to: [note: middle initial “L”]. OR, mail to me at: PO Box 3397, Boone NC28607